Take Action!
Protecting our environment requires a multidimensional approach involving science, technology, societal transformation, and governance. You can join the movement by fighting for conservation and climate action by using your voice, your vote, and your dollar.
Here are some ways the San Diego Environmental Voters Board recommends getting involved.
Click here to find out what districts you live in.
Click here to see the upcoming elections.
Do research on candidates or use our endorsements to help guide you.

Volunteer for a cause or candidate
Voting is priority number one! If you have the time, consider volunteering for a campaign you care about. Helping others register to vote or become more informed can truly make an impact!
One way to do this is to go to our endorsements page and click on a candidate's name. That will take you to their website where you can sign up to volunteer.
*Note: you do not have to be eligible to vote to volunteer for a campaign.

Use your voice
Getting environmental-minded candidates elected is only half the battle. We have to make sure they know how we want them to represent us and we must hold them accountable. You can call, write, or meet with your elected officials to discuss issues that matter to you. You can also provide a public comment when important topics come up for discussion. Many environmental organizations provide toolkits to do this. Find a large list of organizations here.

While this isn't feasible for everyone, funding a campaign, organization, or movement is incredibly impactful. If you have the opportunity you can donate to groups like ours or others taking on issues you care about.